This brilliant map is in a gang of one, for the time being - gastronomic cartography. An intriguing category nonetheless: La France des pains (’The France of Breads’) visually demonstrates the place of origin of France’s different local types of bread. It turns out they come in a lot more shapes than the one foreigners (non-French foreigners, that is) usually associate with a French baguette. That shape is represented by the six stick-like loafs forming a little fence across the north of France:
30 - pain de fantaisie (fantasy bread)
31 - pain marchand de vin (wine merchant’s bread)
33 - pain saucisson (sausage bread) and
35 - pain boulot (work bread);
but also by
46 - pain condé (?)
46 - le tordu (twisted bread); and
69 - le phoenix, pain viennois (the phoenix or viennese bread) further south.
Interesting to note is that the elongated shape of the ‘typical’ French bread has quite some competition from the atoll-shaped bread:
12 - (illegible)
44 - pain collier (collar bread)
43 - le fer à cheval (horseshoe bread)
49 - (illegible)
52 - la couronne bordelaise (the crown of Bordeaux)
Other local French bread types more notable for their name than for their shape, are:
4 - pain chapeau (hat bread)
13 - pain bateau (boat bread)
22 - pain polka (polka bread)
28 - petit pain empereur (little emperor bread; why don’t they just call it ‘Napoleon’?)
48 - pain chemin de fer (railroad bread)
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