This installation of MOTD, was created by Shayna Ayers, a student @ UNC Chapel Hill, under the teachings of world famous Info graphic creator, Alberto Cairo. She has listed her sources at the bottom left of the map.
The map, which captures a wide array of elements pertaining to vino, takes the user through a tour of the Italian wine producing regions. She presents information regarding pure production quantity by region, production by region in regards to quality, (see the map for meaning), recommendations, food pairings, and general facts about vino.
I thought the colors in this were fantastic, with a solid balance of photography, text, and charts/maps. One principle that I think she’s applied with great force is selection. By that I mean, it’s apparent she spent quite a bit of time on the categories or types of information that would assist a user in gaining a fuller understanding of Italian wines. The only thing that might have added further perspective would be displaying global consumption per region, to gain an understanding of $$$’s and notoriety for each region among the consuming global masses.
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